Who We Are

Everyone at Sonoma Bio has a rich and diverse history. It’s one of the things that makes us who we are.

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Meet the people who lead, support, and advise us.

  • Sean Obryan 1x1

    Sean O’Bryan

    Senior Vice President, Regulatory Affairs

  • Mei Lun 1x1

    Mei-Lun Wang

    Senior Vice President, Clinical Development 

  • Josh Lab

    Joshua Beilke

    Vice President, Product Development

  • Michele Lab 1x1

    Michelle Blake

    Vice President, Translational Sciences

  • Melita Boardroom 5x7

    Melita Dvorak-Ewell

    Vice President, Program Management 

  • Sabrina Fox Bosetti 1x1

    Sabrina Fox-Bosetti

    Vice President, Clinical Operations

  • Mark Lab 1x1 V2

    Mark Fromhold

    Vice President, Manufacturing & Supply Chain

  • Herve Aspect Ratio 1 1

    Herve Lebrec

    Vice President, Development Sciences

  • Jill Mcguire 1x1

    Jill McGuire

    Vice President, Finance

  • Amanda 1x1 Aspect Ratio 1 1

    Amanda Pace

    Vice President, Analytical & Process Development

  • Sameer Hallway 1x1

    Sameer Sivaamnuaiphorn

    Vice President, Program Team Lead, 7101 Program

  • Anavelys 1x1

    Anavelys Ortiz Suarez

    Vice President, Intellectual Property and Legal Operations 

  • Yuanyuan Hallway 1x1

    Yuanyuan Xiao

    Vice President, Data Sciences

Sean Obryan 1x1

Sean O’Bryan

Senior Vice President, Regulatory Affairs
Mei Lun 1x1

Mei-Lun Wang

Senior Vice President, Clinical Development 
Josh Lab

Joshua Beilke

Vice President, Product Development
Michele Lab 1x1

Michelle Blake

Vice President, Translational Sciences
Melita Boardroom 5x7

Melita Dvorak-Ewell

Vice President, Program Management 
Sabrina Fox Bosetti 1x1

Sabrina Fox-Bosetti

Vice President, Clinical Operations
Mark Lab 1x1 V2

Mark Fromhold

Vice President, Manufacturing & Supply Chain
Herve Aspect Ratio 1 1

Herve Lebrec

Vice President, Development Sciences
Jill Mcguire 1x1

Jill McGuire

Vice President, Finance
Amanda 1x1 Aspect Ratio 1 1

Amanda Pace

Vice President, Analytical & Process Development
Sameer Hallway 1x1

Sameer Sivaamnuaiphorn

Vice President, Program Team Lead, 7101 Program
Anavelys 1x1

Anavelys Ortiz Suarez

Vice President, Intellectual Property and Legal Operations 
Yuanyuan Hallway 1x1

Yuanyuan Xiao

Vice President, Data Sciences
Sonomabio Lab 0051 Aspect Ratio 1024 996

Careers at Sonoma Bio

We are a dedicated and varied team of people striving to realize our vision.